Checklist for a JupyterHub teaching deployment

Documentation for teaching deployment:

Documentation for JupyterHub:


  • Does not use Docker.
  • NGINX as a frontend proxy, for serving static assets, and a termination point for SSL/TLS.
  • Single Ubuntu server
  • Ansible for configuration.

1. Prepare the server

  • [ ] Server: running latest Ubuntu version
  • [ ] SSH: enable password-less SSH for ubuntu user
  • [ ] Local disks: partition and format
  • [ ] DNS (domain name): valid entry for server

2. Install JupyterHub source

  • [ ] Source: Clone latest jupyterhub-deploy-teaching repo using --recursive (needed for ansible-conda) submodule

    $ git clone --recursive

3. Secure before deployment

  • [ ] cookie secret file: Create ./security/cookie_secret

    $ openssl rand -hex 1024 > ./security/cookie_secret
  • [ ] SSL:

    • Let’s Encrypt: No additional steps as Ansible will install for you.
    • Third Party SSL trusted source: Install SSL private key ./security/ssl.key and certificate as ./security/ssl.crt.

4. Create JupyterHub hosts group

  • [ ] ./hosts file: Edit file to lists the FQDN’s of the hosts in the jupyterhub_hosts group.
  • [ ] hostname files: Use ./host_vars/hostname.example as a template for creating and editing a hostname file for each host and place hostname files in ./host_vars directory.

5. Configure admins

  • [ ] List of admins is configured in jupyterhub_admin_users in the config file. Public SSH keys will be retrieved from GitHub.

6. Configure users

  • [ ] If using [PAM (Pluggable authentication modules)](, you will need to manually create users using adduser: adduser --gecos "" username.
  • [ ] If using GitHub OAuth, add usernames to jupyterhub_users list.

7. Add optional services

  • [ ] Monitoring: New Relic
  • [ ] Analytics: Google Analytics
  • [ ] Assignment distribution and collection: nbgrader
  • [ ] Grading: nbgrader

8. Deploy with Ansible

  • [ ] Deploy: Run ansible-playbook for the main deployment.

    $ ansible-playbook deploy.yml

9. Verify deployment and reload supervisor

  • [ ] Verify: SSH into the server:

    $ ssh root@{hostname}

    substituting your hostname for {hostname}. For example, ssh

10. JupyterLab